
Eight Years Later

We should never forget what happened today, in 2001. We should never take it for granted that it won't happen again. We should never, EVER, forget those who put their lives on the line, each and every day, to ensure our ongoing freedom. It may not get the headlines it used to get but please don't forget about the troops that are still overseas, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan, doing their part to obliterate terrorism.

One way people are helping, surprisingly enough, came from the Kindle forums. I've been quite addicted to those forums ever since I got my Kindle and I've seen quite a bit, mostly very funny, very helpful, very caring people sharing stories and helping out newbies. Recently, an indie author came up with a great idea and I'd like to help spread the word.

The indie author, one Mr. Edward C. Patterson decided to start a little operation. See, we get a few soldiers who are currently serving overseas, coming in to the forums to talk and we've gotten to know them a little bit as time goes on. Mr. Patterson decided it would be a great idea if indie authors, (and who knows, maybe well known authors will join in), were to make their books available for our service members serving overseas for free to load to their Kindles. It boosts moral, helps pass that down time, (hurry up and wait!!), and lets those soldiers know that we still think about them, we are forever grateful for them and that they, too, are not forgotten.

I think it is a wonderful idea. And apparently so does Smashwords. They have taken up with Mr. Patterson and have a post discussing how these soldiers can sign up to receive these books. There are books from all genres.

So! Your assignment, (and know a lot of military people, perhaps you can help spread the word), if you know of a soldier who is currently deployed overseas, is helping to fight the war on terrorism, has a Kindle, Sony reader, iPhone or Blackberry and would like some free books from some indie authors who write quite well.

That's only part of the problem with national healthcare. My biggest problem with national healthcare, you insipid yeast infections is this:

NHC is allowing the government to decide who the hell lives and who the hell dies. I'd rather take my chances and pay a little out of my own pocket. And if they would allow competition, it could be affordable!

"No one should have to die because they can't afford health insurance."

NO way! No one should have to die because the government thinks they are wasting space and costing too much money. No one should have to be told, by the government, how to live their every day lives.

I don't want national healthcare because I don't want the government to decide for me how to live my life and when my life will end.

Let's take the case of swine flu. Now, the media has been doing a bang up job of fear mongering by hyping up the swine flu in the past months. I know you've heard someone say "Oh God, I hope I don't have the swine flu!" when they start to feel a little under the weather.


That was written on August 5th of 2009. Exactly one month ago. ONE. MONTH. So, where oh where is Maine getting it's mass vaccination stash from? It has been said, Baxter International. And what do we know about Baxter International?

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